First step to use fun photo effects online at website is by select design effect you want to edit according to your taste. There are many choices of effects for photos that can use for free. If you have already choose the effect then your next step is click create your picture button to see output results.
If your picture is ready, then you can download photo or picture that you've created earlier. The picture that have been made can be sent to websites or forums by copying the code. You will be given a link to access the picture you've created it, that to share for the person you want. Options for sharing can be through a variety of services such as Facebook, MySpace, Friendster, and others.
For quick way to create funny picture online when you want to share to friends or relations, you might consider to try Here you can upload your photo and make a lot of different amazing effects in less then one minute. They have more than 100 effects and they make every day - new photo effect. For more complete information visit and try their effects for photos to create funny picture online.