The Vivace Shadow Mirror and Neo-Forte
We don't know about the West, but here in the tropics where it's perpetually summer, airconditioners are doing a blazing (no pun intended) trade. Of course, as long as the aircon does its job, we're happy campers. But Samsung is intent on its crusade to educate uninformed folks like us that it's cooler to protect your health, too. So two new models of its bacteria-killing airconditioners, using Samsung's proprietary Micro Plasma Ion (MPI) technology, are finally make their way to Asia, after debuting last year in the US and Europe.
The Vivace Shadow Mirror (photo above) and Neo-Forte (photo below) pack enough tech firepower to zap those unwanted visitors. According to Samsung's Choi Donguk, MPI is capable of effectively eliminating 78 percent of fungus and 58 percent of bacteria in a 30-minute time frame, within an enclosed environment.
The MPI works in tandem with a carbon deodorizer that removes odors and bacteria, a Silver Nano evaporator and a Catechin filter developed from a green tea extract.
The manager for the Air Conditioning Overseas Sales & Marketing Group, Digital Appliance Division, assured that the MPI unit and evaporator are capable of lasting over a decade, with only the filter requiring regular replacement.
What's ultra cool here to frugal Asians, particularly in light of utility bills going north and north, is that one can sleep well knowing that the airconditioners now offer 30 percent energy savings. However, expect a small price premium, with Vivace now available in Singapore for S$799 to S$899 (with condenser, but no installation), and pricing for the more affordable Neo-Forte to be disclosed during its April launch. Both MPI airconditioners will be rolled out in Asia from now till mid-April.